New Paintings

[To see my Paintings for Sale - click here].

Free Painting #2 - Winner

For the 2nd painting giveaway here on, I asked a question that, like the 1st question, was guessable but if you fancied doing some serious homework (or were a reader with a freakish memory of my site IrishKC) you’d have a better chance of getting closer to the answer.

Question: In USD what is the total price of the 3 most expensive paintings that have sold while posted on IrishKC ?

Add the following:
1. Blue Mountains, Green Grass $775
2. Pearse’s Cottage $350
3. Killarney $300

Total = $1,425

Closest answer: $1,375 by Debbie, just $50 out.

Congratulations to Debbie! Go ahead and choose a painting from the prizepool; I’ll send you an email for an address to post it to.

Thanks to everybody for playing, I’ll be adding more paintings into the prizepool including new ones, so keep an eye.


  1. [...] Previously: Q. 2 [Feb 6, 2009] In USD what is the total price of the 3 most expensive paintings that have sold while posted on IrishKC ? - Finished - Winner [...]

  2. debbie says:

    Fantastic, thank you! I was mostly looking at and couldn’t for the life of me find a price for Killarney. I had the first two, though, and my third was Galway Street at 250.

    I’m thrilled!


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