Posts Tagged ‘cards’

Liverpool Pier Head

This little painting I did today doesn’t do justice to the Three Graces of Liverpool’s Pier Head, but I plan to paint it again, larger and on site - maybe next year.

click to enlarge
The Three Graces are, from left to right, the Royal Liver Building, the Cunard Building, and the Port of Liverpool Building.
For [...]

Montreal of Panic

About 20 years ago I stopped buying cards. The problem with making your own is that I tend to take too much time, mostly in fact not finishing them in time for the intended event. My studio and sketchbooks are littered with the beginnings of cards.
Here’s a card I did finish. If I remember rightly [...]

Card: Tiger Lily

It was the mother’s birthday recently, so I did a small painting of a tiger lily from the garden and called it a card. It was painted using just a knife (well, 2 knives).

Like a lot of the small paintings I’ve done in the last couple of years, it’s about 22cm x 17cm (which is [...]

Card: Stripey Donkey

The boxes and sketchbooks in my studio are littered with unfinished cards I’ve been making since I stopped buying them about 25 yrs ago. Although I try to not think of them as paintings, so that I can produce them much quicker than paintings, I find once the brush/knife/pen hits the paper everything slows down.
Every [...]