Posts Tagged ‘walls’

Photo: Abbey Street, That Door

Another Dublin photo. This one is of that door on Middle Abbey Street, right by where my old bus terminus used to be, across the road from where the Aldelphi used to be, and the old Lighthouse come to think of. See what recession’s do, they get you thinking of Dublin in the rare ould [...]

Photo: Graffiti, Genoa

Although my trip to Italy last year was full of spectacular scenery - that yielded for example my painting of Pegli - I was probably happiest taking photos of walls. Only a couple of those were of grafitti mind you, but this particular set I took more than one picture of, as it was one [...]

It’s Grim in Dublin West

It could just be that I’m unaware of the meaning, but either there’s a lot of 4-lettered nicknamed people in Dublin West who are given to graffiti, or there’s an elaborate word game going on - the sort that you and I would typically use a boardgame for.

So sprayed on the walls of Dublin West [...]