Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Paintings in Progress

Some paintings in progress at the moment. Some have been on the go for some time and are long overdue, others are more recently started. With momentum restored, all should now be coming to completion shortly. Next exhibition is on June 25-27 2010 at the People’s Art on Stephen’s Green, Dublin.

More Studio Photos
   • Me in [...]

Drawing: Make Your Mark

Once upon a time somebody asked me to write some words to persuade people to draw things on a board they were putting in their bathroom. I was to talk about drawing using x amount of words. It was a time when I said yes too often:
The most human of actions, making marks unites us [...]

Card: Tiger Lily

It was the mother’s birthday recently, so I did a small painting of a tiger lily from the garden and called it a card. It was painted using just a knife (well, 2 knives).

Like a lot of the small paintings I’ve done in the last couple of years, it’s about 22cm x 17cm (which is [...]

Card: Stripey Donkey

The boxes and sketchbooks in my studio are littered with unfinished cards I’ve been making since I stopped buying them about 25 yrs ago. Although I try to not think of them as paintings, so that I can produce them much quicker than paintings, I find once the brush/knife/pen hits the paper everything slows down.
Every [...]

Drawing: Outside a Dublin Pub

Much as I like sketching people in pubs, staring at them, even stealing a series of glances, can cause problems. Alcohol tends not to help - either party.
This drawing of outside a Dublin pub is from across the road, at a bus-stop.

click to enlarge
Some Other Drawings:
   • Neil Gaiman: Left-Handed Drawing
   • Genoa, A Sketch
   • Opposite [...]

Opposite Hand Drawing

Last year when my painting arm went out of action due to tennis elbow, I resolved to teach myself to paint using my other hand. It took some time but I got there ultimately doing some paintings entirely with my left hand, paintings that I have sold since.
The start of that learning process for me [...]

IBA 2010 Paintings Sale

Here are the paintings I exhibited at the Irish Blog Awards in Galway on March 27, 2010 at the Radisson Blu Hotel.

By Muckish 1

Guinness Gate

Kansas West
165 Euro


Sheep, Wall II

The Cottage

By Muckish 2
165 euro

Birds, Wires 8

Birds, Wires 9


Hill, Trees III

Hill, Trees IV
€165 SOLD

S. Fields


Rosmuc Arís
€165 SOLD

Irish Townscape
€165 SOLD


Not for Sale

Irish Blogs
Not for Sale


Q Maeve Br
SOLD [...]

My Studio - Audio Slideshow

Eolai from Markham Nolan on Vimeo.
A few days ago, while I was preparing for my show at the 2010 Irish Blog Awards, I had the pleasure of a visit to my studio by Markham Nolan. While I worked away Markham took dozens of photos and then recorded a short interview.
Technical problems meant you’re spared [...]

Irish Blogs 2010

And what a weekend that was. I’m not really sure where it started.
In the early hours of Friday morning, towards the end of the final 48-hour painting session where I tried to finish 5 million paintings for the Irish Blog Awards Show, I started painting this picture on Irish blogging while on a tea break.
When [...]

Painting Giveaway #9: How Many Sheep & Birds

There’s an exhibition of my paintings in Galway this weekend at the 2010 Irish Blog Awards. You can have a free original painting of your choice from the prizepool if you tell me what number you get if you add the number of sheep and the number of birds that will feature in paintings exhibited.
It’s [...]