Abstract Paintings
Here are some of my abstract paintings. I am obsessed with squares and right angles, so when you are talking to me I am likely to be looking over your shoulder at windows and where walls meet ceilings. It’s the same reason I paint streetscapes so much.

Not for Sale

Not for Sale

Not for Sale
You might also be interested in my other paintings for sale
Any questions contact me via email [eolai@irishkc.com] or on twitter @eolai
Photo: Phoenix Park Tunnel
A photo of where the rail tunnel from Heuston to Connolly goes under the Phoenix Park. As you can see I was waiting for cyclists to fill that space.
This is down by Islandbridge, on what was once upon a time the main road from Dublin to Galway.
Some Other Dublin Photos:
• A Boy, A Bicycle, And His Little Pony
• Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
• Oifig An Phoist
• Dublin Pub: The Oval
• Dublin, Beckett Bridge by Moonlight
• Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin
Photo: Lucan Weir
A photo of the weir on the Liffey at Lucan in west Dublin. The entrance to my studio is just along to the left, so to take this involved a short walk down through the woods and over the bridge.
Some Other Dublin Photos:
• Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
• Abbey Street: That Door
• Dublin Pub: The Oval
• Dublin, A Horse
• Dublin Changing Rooms
• Sunlight Chambers, Grattan Bridge Lamps
Photo: The Liffey Swim
A photo of a Dublin tradition for you. It’s the start of the Liffey Swim taken last weekend.
From the start here at Rory O’More bridge, to as far as O’Connell Bridge, I walked along the quays following the Liffey Swim as I listened to shouts of “You’re gonna get dysentry”. The rest of the photos I took of the race I’ll post on my FaceBook page or in Pix.ie.
Some Other Dublin Photos:
• Dublin Pub: The Oval
• Dublin, A Horse
• Photo: Eustace Street
• Dublin Changing Rooms
• Abbey Street: That Door
• Sunlight Chambers, Grattan Bridge Lamps
Photo: Beckett Bridge by Moonlight
Here’s a night time photo of Dublin’s newest bridge over the Liffey, the Samuel Beckett Bridge taken during a stroll in the docklands.
This is my first photo I’m not letting you enlarge - simply because being a handheld night-time shot it just isn’t good enough quality.
Some Other Dublin Photos:
• Dublin Pub: The Oval
• Dublin, A Horse
• Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
• Dublin Changing Rooms
• Abbey Street: That Door
• Sunlight Chambers, Grattan Bridge Lamps
Free Painting #7 - The Answer
I asked you to identify a painting of mine from an an earlier picture of it in progress. For comparison here’s the finished painting beside the picture of it in progress that I showed you.
So yes, Burren Dolmen is the answer. There were a lot of correct answers, though Nephin was also a popular guess, and Spongebob Squarepants was in there twice and I haven’t even painted him (though I just might now).
Fastest in with a comment giving the right answer was Vicki, who now has the choice of any painting in the prizepool
I didn’t count any guesses received on twitter because I want all the answers in the one place to be sure I’m working off the one timeline to pick the earliest correct answer. It didn’t matter anyway as no correct answers were received on twitter, but that’s why I say only answers left in the comments of the blogpost can be counted.
This was the first giveway I did since feeding the blog into my FaceBook account, and guesses were also left in there where the full blogpost with photo is reproduced. It ultimately didn’t matter either in this case as the correct answers left there were hours after the first correct answer left on the blog. In future I’ll request that FaceBook guessers leave their answers outside FB but if you’re reading this on FaceBook you should know that it takes FaceBook quite a bit of time to pick up the feed so you’re defintely at a disadvantage anyway.
Enough of that and congratulations to Vicki who I shall now contact to say very well done, and very quickly done especially.
Painting Giveaway #7: Name That Painting
Identify this painting. The 1st person to leave a comment telling me what this pictured painting in progress became wins an original painting of their choice from the prizepool.
The prizepool was extended today up to 20 paintings after I added in several paintings that are in the current sale of paintings. They are still for sale, like all paintings in the prizepool so it’s possible you could have a choice of less than 20 when the competition closes.
Bear in mind that the last time I ran a guess the painting in progress competition like this, just one person got it right. The finished painting is somewhere on my page of paintings on IrishKC.
I’ll probably leave your answers hidden in moderation because not only does it add great excitement but I have to see a dog about a dog, and I have to go to the pictures (Mesrine Part 2). I’ll tell you tonight or tomorrow who won, depending on answers or I’ll keep it open if nobody has won.
August 09 New Paintings
Here are 43 new Irish paintings finished in August 2009. Most were started several months earlier, though some were started several years earlier.
Any questions contact me via email [eolai@irishkc.com] or on twitter @eolai
Photo: Eustace Street, Dublin 2
Em, I take pictures of streets in Dublin. Sometimes they’re ruined by tourists looking like tourists. Sometimes they’re ruined by just people. Which is probably why so many of my paintings tend to have no people - as you’ll see shortly when I post a whole load of new paintings.
Some Other Dublin Photos:
• Dublin Pub: The Oval
• Dublin, A Horse
• Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
• Dublin Changing Rooms
• Abbey Street: That Door
• Sunlight Chambers, Grattan Bridge Lamps
Photo: Lower Ormond Quay
Do you ever think when you’re on a bus going down Dublin’s quays that the quays on the other side of the Liffey are like a background in an epic cartoon chase?
Well anyway, I took this photo of some houses on Lower Ormond Quay from upstairs on a bus, an ordinary Dublin Bus rather than an open-topped tourist thing.
Some Other Dublin Photos:
• Dublin Pub: The Oval
• Dublin, A Horse
• Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
• Dublin Changing Rooms
• Abbey Street: That Door
• Sunlight Chambers, Grattan Bridge Lamps