New Paintings

[To see my Paintings for Sale - click HERE].

Back in the Studio

Just to update the re-roof watchers: I’m back in the studio and painting again.

It’s going to take a couple of months to get it back to rights following the renovations, mostly because I have to concentrate on getting paintings finished right now. So until I rescue and de-debris most of my boxes, I’ve set up half of the studio to work - like so:

The studio mid February 2010

You’re looking at 2 walls of paintings in progress. There are more not in view. The latest plan is for some of these to be posted in an online sale over the next couple of weeks, and others to appear in a show.

I’ll keep you posted.

The building itself is still a construction site covered in scaffolding, with heavy renovations ongoing right outside my door, but I should be able to accept visitors again very shortly. In the meantime you can always have a look at the photos of how the studio and yard looked before the renovations began.

Studio Re-Roof Status

Just a post to let everyone that the studio is still not back in a condition to accept visitors. The scaffolding went up in November, and the roof was taken off over 7 weeks ago. Throw in Christmas, the snow, burst pipes, and a technical matter relating to guttering, and I’m still not yet back in there painting.

It’s a construction site and, I suspect, will be for some time:
scaffolding at my studio

slates, whole and broken

This is what it looks like inside. Half of the studio, the whole length of it, has survived with just felt for a roof. This would be the half with the wet sections.
Inside the studio, under wraps

Somewhere under there is everything but some paints and brushes, and most paintings in progress. That’s a whole lot of art materials as well as things like my sketchbooks, photos, and art reference books. And since most stuff was moved into these piles by other people, I don’t know where most things are.

This is down the end behind the tent:

Mortar, water, behind the tent in the studio

So I’ll have a spot of cleaning to do when I do get back in.

Apologies to everyone I’ve had to turn away in the last couple of months, but I think now it really is only days away from my return.

I don’t do well being separated from my stuff.

Painting: To The Beach

Here’s the 2nd of 2 paintings finished recently that went to Moscow.

To The Beach
40.5 x 30.5 cm (16 x 12 inches)

painting of a coastal scene in Ireland in and around where Mayo and Connemara meet

I started this painting so many years ago I can’t even remember where exactly it’s of anymore. It was originally of a scene somewhere in the Killary Harbour area, the fjord that separates Connemara from Mayo. I’ll have changed it since then though, because you can do that with a paintbrush, and my memory isn’t what it used to be.

Before my brief attempt at living in Donegal, north of Killary was where I had most looked to live (after fruitless searches for a cheap cottage on Innishmaan).

When it was finished it went straight to Russia with Coast, The West, which is why it’s not a great photo - the light was lousy in the few minutes I had with it.

To The Beach is SOLD.

Have a look at paintings available for sale

All The Photographs

I’ve put together a page of photos.

It highlights many of the individual photos I regularly post, and also links to collections and collages that I’ve posted on other sites as well as here on Bicyclistic.

The plan is to link up more collections, including many from my travels that have yet to be posted anywhere - probably because they’ve never been scanned.

Painting: Coast, The West

Here’s a new painting finished a few days ago.

Coast, The West
23 x 18 cm (9 x 7 inches)

painting of a coastal scene on the west coast of Ireland

Sometimes with landscapes I start with somewhere in particular in mind, and then I take liberties which I hope results in a painting of my experience there. This is one of those times.

Coast, The West was SOLD upon completion and went directly to Moscow. I currently have several paintings in the same style nearing completion. They should be posted here for sale later this month.

Have a look at paintings available for sale

Dublin Snow Photos

Aside from the 3 recent photos of Dublin in the snow posted here on

I’ve also posted several Dublin snow photos over on Twitpic:

I suspect I’m not finished.

Photo: Half Moon Over Snowy Roofs

We’ve been here before. Blue sky with moon, roofs with snow, and all carved into shapes by wires. We’ll be here again.

For what it’s worth I tend to spend a large part of my life looking around cropping in my head images like this. I rarely actually photograph them though, let alone post them online.

Half Moon over Snowy Roofs in Dublin West, Ireland
click to enlarge

Some Other Dublin Photos:
   • No Parking
   • Dublin Pub: The Oval
   • Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
   • Dublin, Beckett Bridge by Moonlight
   • Snowy Sunset, Dublin
   • Dublin, A Horse

Photo: Snow View

My little American dog used to enjoy watching the snow in Kansas City, so yesterday in Ireland Dog-Dog was very much at home. If you know what I mean.

Not so deep that I used a dustpan to dig her a trail where you’d only see her ears like in the US, but still enough snow to make it a black and white world - just like Missouri was.

Dog-Dog watching the snow in Dublin, Ireland
click to enlarge

Some Other Photos:
   • Snowy Sunset, Dublin
   • Blue and White
   • And Her Streets Of Cobbled Stone
   • Door: Number 18
   • Abbey Street, That Door
   • Blue Paint, Blue Sky

Photo: Snowy Sunset Dublin

Much as I don’t like being out in the snow (I really don’t, so don’t go trying to convert me), I am enjoying a lot of the images it throws up. The skies especially have me frequently entranced.

Thanks to walks with the dog I have a fair few photos like this one looking towards the mountains in south Dublin.

Snowy Sunset in Dublin West, Ireland
click to enlarge

Some Other Dublin Photos:
   • Dublin Pub: The Oval
   • No Parking
   • Dublin Photo: Literary Parade
   • Oifig An Phoist
   • A Boy, A Bicycle, And His Little Pony
   • Dublin, Beckett Bridge by Moonlight

Paintings For Sale

New paintings tend to sell fast, usually within 2 days, sometimes within minutes. (They’re posted first on LiamDalyArt on Facebook)

So this page is for the paintings that take longer to sell. I try to keep it updated so that it represents all that are currently available for purchase.

There is also a separate page with abstract paintings for sale

See also Abstract Paintings

If you prefer not to use PayPal you can pay me direct - by cash or transfer or cheque/check. I actually prefer that as it saves me paying fees to PP, but work away on the PayPal links if you prefer to pay that way.

As paintings are sold I’ll mark them as sold and a little while later remove them from this page.