New Paintings

[To see my Paintings for Sale - click HERE].

Photo: An Irish Beach

A photo from a day at the beach on Saturday. This is in Ireland’s sunny south east - in County Wexford - taken at the very point where I finished a 7-mile walk last year with Dog-dog.

Beach scene on Irish Sea in County Wexford
click to enlarge

More Photos
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • Dublin: Number 18
   • Pigeon House Chimneys From Dublin West

Lilies, Yellow

I’m not very good at looking after plants, but I can look at them for very long periods of time. Within days of being told these are lilies I will have forgotten, and again to me they will be big yellowy flowers.

Lilies, and they're a deep yellow
click to enlarge

More Photos
   • Teabags On A Window Sill
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • Gooseberries

End of the Road in a Dublin Suburb

A summer photo from the suburbs of Dublin West for you. Somebody painted the place while I was in America. In the spring the graffiti goes quite well with the tree blossoms.

Walls of graffiti at the end of a suburban Dublin road
click to enlarge

More Photos
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • Dublin: Number 18
   • Pigeon House Chimneys From Dublin West

Photo: Gooseberries

One of the things I missed about Ireland when living in America, was Gooseberries. Unlike when growing up, these days to get them I don’t have to climb over a wall into somebody’s garden.

Gooseberries on a bush
click to enlarge

More Photos
   • Teabags On A Window Sill
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • Dublin Door: Number 18

Photo: Number 18

A photo of a door I took the other day walking down Dublin’s north quays - I think this was on Upper Ormond Quay.

Close up of garishly painted Dublin door
click to enlarge

More Photos
   • Teabags On A Window Sill
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • Pigeon House Chimneys From Dublin West

The Pigeon House From Dublin West

A photo in the suburbs of Dublin West with a glimpse of the Poolbeg chimneys of the power station in Dublin Bay that we call the Pigeon House (even if technically it’s not).

photo of Dublin West scene with poolbeg chimneys in the distance
Click to enlarge

Friends in England and America tend to recognise the Poolbeg chimneys from a certain U2 video.

More Photos
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • It’s Grim In Dublin West
   • Teabags On A Window Sill

Ducks on the Liffey

This photo of a couple of mallards on the Liffey was taken beside the entrance to my studio when I popped out for a break from painting.

2 mallards on the Liffey in Dublin
click to enlarge

Other Photos of Mine:
   • Dublin, A Horse
   • It Wasn’t All Mountains and Islands
   • Pied Wagtail

Teabags on a Window Sill

Here’s a photo from inside my studio. Teabags. You can see the cobbled stableyard through the window.

used teabags on my studio window sill
click to enlarge

If it doesn’t seem like that many teabags, well that’s because I use loose leaves a lot for making tea.

See Also:
   • The Yard: Outside my Studio
   • Photo: Dublin, A Horse

Photo: Dublin, A Horse

Here’s a photo I took the other day of a horse here in Dublin West.

A horse in Ballyfermot
click to enlarge

Dog-dog was well behaved but then she’s getting used to seeing horses every day now. This photo was taken just a couple of minutes from my door.

Some Photos on my Other Site
   • Ireland - It Wasn’t All Mountains & Islands
   • Walls of Kansas City
   • Walls of Cambodia
   • Walls of Dublin
   • At The Races - Clonmel

Abstract Paintings

The prices of abstract paintings are being increased at the end of the week to about double their current prices.

The lower prices were only ever intended as a short term feature, and the new prices will keep them in line with the prices of my other paintings.

You can see my abstract paintings on the far right hand side of the page of my Irish paintings.